The simple answer to this question is: NO. Although a NIE Number is refered to as a tax reference number sometimes, applying/having a NIE Number does not automatically mean you should or have to pay tax in Spain.
If you need a NIE Number click here to visit our home page
Tax in spain can be a complicated issue because if you fail to make a declaration or don’t pay the correct amount you can end up with a severe fine. The Spanish government frequently change their tax regulations, which makes if very difficult for both residents and non residents to keep up to date.
The key points when thinking about tax matters in spain are:
- The Spanish tax year runs from January to December.
- In spain both residents and non residents are required to pay tax.
Every non resident must make their annual non-resident tax declaration by December 31st.
Am I a tax resident in Spain now I have my NIE Number?
You are a resident for tax purposes in Spain if:
1.) You spend more than 183 days in Spain in any calendar year , regardless of it you are registered or have a NIE Number.
2.) You are self employed or otherwise employed in spain
3.) Your spouse or children live in spain and you are not legally separated even though you may spend less than 183 days in Spain.
This is a basic guideline and MY NIE recommend seeking professional tax advice.
Spanish tax residents are liable to pay income tax on tier world wide income, which is split into two category’s.
1.) Income from general activities- This includes incomes from employment, pension, and rental income
2.) Income from savings- This includes interest from savings, Dividend payments, income from life insurance policies, and gains made from the disposal and sale of assets.
Tax allowances with and without a NIE Number
Tax allowances- As a resident you will receive your personal allowance for your Spanish income tax. (from both savings and general income). These allowances include age allowance, married couple allowance and disabled allowance.
Since 2013, If you are a tax resident in spain and own assets in access of 50,000 euros outside spain, you are required to declare these assets under Spanish law.
An example of this assets include:
- Assets held in any bank account
- property
- Shares
- life insurance policys
Non Residence with a NIE Number Tax
If you own a property in Spain you must pay two taxes:
- IBI or council Tax-This is a council tax based on the rateable value of your property
- National income tax or rental income tax. income tax is paid by non residents who own a property heater rented out or not.
NOTE: The Spanish tax office does not send notifications on IBI tax addresses outside of Spain. It is therefore advisable for a non resident who has a property in Spain to appoint a fiscal representative. Click here to read more about the tax authorities in Spain.
Points to keep in mind
- You will not necessarily be reminded that you owe tax in spain.
- It is your responsibility to make sure all your taxes are paid.
- Any overdue taxes must be settled before you sell or inherit a property
- Failure to pay taxes on time can result in late payment interests and sanctions.
Need a Spanish accountant? MY NIE recomends www.spainaccountants.com
Internal links
How to get a NIE Number in Malaga
I have just put in my
Order to get a nie number in Alicante. Can you help getting me set
Up as self employed once I have the number?
Hi Micky
Once you have your NIE Number in Alicante we can pass you onto our online accountants who will set you up with self employment. Let us know once you have collected your NIE Certificate and we will get this organised for you. Lisa
Hi Lisa
I am trying to find the ‘contact’ form that you mention on your ‘contact us’ option. But unable to locate it.
Could you leave me an email address for you please or email me with details?
Many thanks
Hi Jame
please email HELP @ MYNIE.CO.UK or call the help desk on 0034 665556070
Hola soy de Colombia estoy en España el número NIE lo puedo solicitar ? Tengo 2 años .
Hi please can I just ask about the meeting in police station about NIE with all documents will be in a Spain right?cant be in UK how is works now if the people cant fly there?Thank you
Yes, you must be in Spain to attend the meeting its not something which can be done from the uk.
Do I have as private person to pay taxes from sportsbetting in Spain?
I have my NIE number but it was in 2011 thinking it was only temporary i worked in Valencia payed tax but I want to return to live in tenarefe I am retired have 2000 eur pensions every month and twenty thousand pounds in saving would i be able to apply for residency in tenarefe with this NIE number have proof of paying tax in spain
we have the forms from our agent, we need a solicitor to send on from a solicitor do you do this? we bought land in garcia. the form gives someone the power of aturney. can you do this please?
Hi Keith
You need to be in Spain to visit the police station to get the nie. Its not possible to do it via us remotely.
Sorry we couldn’t help this time.
I moved from Ukraine to Spain and got my NIE number, but I do not plan to stay here longer than 1 year. I work remotely in Ukraine and get my income to my Ukrainian bank account. How / when do I / should I start approaching taxes in Spain?
I don’t currently live or work in Spain but need an NIE to obtain work so how do I get this I am living in uk. I have holiday booked from 22nd September 2022 for 1 week in Costa dorado?
We can get you booked in on these dates. Please use the NIE Number booking form on the website and we will get this organised for you.
Many Thanks