One of the options you have is to obtain your Spanish NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in your home country before you travel to Spain. The Spanish Embassy Generally does not issue NIE numbers unless its a life and death emergancy. It only acts as a “courier” between the applicant and the competent Police Authorities in Spain.
The plus side of this is, if you manage to get an appointment you may can with your NIE Number in hand. Unfortunately the down side is these NIE Numbers are generally temporary NIE Numbers which only last for a period of 3 months. Then once you get to Spain you have to apply again. The Spanish Embassy procedure can also sometimes be slow and require several visits.
Please note if your application is for summer seasonal work the Spanish Embassy will not assist you in getting a NIE Number. You must apply when you arrive in Spain. Here at MY NIE we can organise a NIE Number appointment for when you arrive in Spain, Just let us know the date.
We advice against getting your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy as you will need to apply again when your in Spain.
Here at MY NIE NUMBER SPAIN we can book you into a CITA PRIVIA appointment for when you arrive in Spain, saving you traveling to a Spanish Embassy in your home country. For just a small fee of just £20 we can book your NIE Number appointment, complete your NIE Number paperwork (ex15-ex-18 NIE Number forms)
Click here to read more about NIE Number Information or Book your NIE Number appointment today
Below is a List of the World’s Spanish Embassy’s to obtain your Spanish NIE Number:
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in the UK:

Website: Spanish Embassy London
Address: 39 Chesham Place, SW1X 8SB
Google Maps Link: Google maps direction to Spanish Embassy in the Uk
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in France

Website: Spanish Embassy France
Address: 22, Avenue Marceau,75008 Paris, France
Google Maps Link: Google maps directions to Spanish Embassy in France
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Germany

Website: Spanish Embassy Germany
Address: Lichtensteinallee 1, 10787 Berlin, Germany
Google Maps Link: Google Maps Directions to Spanish Embassy in Germany
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Poland
Website: Spanish Embassy Poland website
Address: Mysliwiecka 4, 00-459 Warszawa, Poland
Google Maps Link: Google maps directions to Spanish Embassy in Poland
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Ireland
Website: Spanish Embassy Ireland
Address:17A Merlyn Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland
Google Maps Link: Spanish Embassy Ireland Directions from Google
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Switzerland
Website: Spanish Embassy Switzerland Website
Address: Riedtlistrasse, 17, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy Switzerland
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Norway
Website: Spanish Embassy Norway website
Address: Halvdan Svartes gate 13, 0244 Oslo, Norway
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy in Norway
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Iceland
Website: Spanish Embassy Website Iceland
Address: Eiðistorg, 170 Seltjarnarnes, Iceland
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy in Iceland
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Russia
Website: Spanish Embassy Russia Website
Address: Ulitsa Bolshaya Nikitskaya 50/8, Moscow 115127, Russia
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy in Russia
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Albania
Website: Spanish Embassy website for Albania
Address: Rr. Skenderbej, 43, Tirana, Albania
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy in Albania
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Italy
Website: Spanish Embassy Italy Official website
Address: Palazzo Borghese, Largo Fontanella di Borghese, 19, 00186 Roma, Italy
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy in Italy
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Austria
Website: Spanish embassy in Austria Website
Address: Argentinierstrasse 34, 1040 Wien, Austria
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy in Austria
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Hungary
Website: Spanish Embassy Hungary website
Address: Eötvös utca 11/B, 1067 Budapest, Hungary
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy in Hungary
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Sweden
Website: Spanish Embassy Sweden website
Address: Djurgårdsvägen 21, Box 10295, 100 55 Stockholm, Sweden
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy Sweden
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Turkey
Website: Spanish Embassy Turkey website
Address: Abdullah Cevdet Sokak, 8, 06680 Çankaya, P.K. 48, 06552 Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy in Turkey
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Greece
Website: Spanish Embassy in Greece website
Address: Dionisiou Areopagitou street 21, 117 42 Athens, Greece
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy in Greece
Get your NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in Finland
Website: Spanish Embassy Finland website
Address: Kalliolinnantie 6, 00140 Helsinki, Finland
Google Maps Link: Directions to the Spanish Embassy in Finland
More NIE Number information:
NIE Numbers and Mortgages in Spain
How Much is the NIE Number Tax?
How to get a Social Security Number in Spain
Getting a NIE Number without an appointment
Hi, is it easier to get my NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy or should I just wait until I arrive in Spain and go to the police station?
Hi Julian. Obviously you have to travel to the Spanish embassy and you wont get your NIE Number the same day. If you would like us to book you an NIE NUMBER appointment for the week you arrive in Spain please use our easy booking form on our home page. Many Thanks, Lisa
I am really confused. I got my NIE Number from the Spanish Embassy in the UK but it says it only valid for 3 months? Do it mean to I have reapply for a nie number spain when I arrive?
Hi Jeff. Yes, applying at the Spanish Embassy for your NIE Number is for emergency purposes only and generally they will only last for 3 months then you have to re-apply for a NIE Number using the Cita Previa system in Spain when you arrive. If you would like us to book you a NIE Number appointment (cita previa) and complete your paperwork for you please use our online nie number booking form at: NIE NUMBER ONLINE BOOKING FORM
Hi Jeff, Yes the NIE Numbers issued at the Spanish embassy expire after 3 months. Lisa
Hello, I have a question. Does the Spanish embassy in Algeria not care about this matter, or what is the necessary procedure for Algerians? Thank you