Your white A4 NIE Number paper certificate (not a green card as some people call it) is a very important document when your living in Spain.
In Spain you will need it constantly, for getting connected to the internet, getting a new phone contract and even renting or buying a house. If you have lost your NIE Number certificate (the white paper that is stamped with your NIE Number on) you will need to request a new NIE certificate from the Police.
Getting a replacement certificate for your lost Spanish NIE Number and getting the NIE number replacement should be quick and easy as its already been given and the police just needs to run a search on their database to get it back.
If the Police search doesn’t come back with any results with your name you will need to get another NIE Number certificate.
If you manage to remember the number or keep a photocopy of the original certificate it will be much easier to request a new certificate. It will show up straight away in the data base at the police station.
Having the number to hand will speed up the process at the Police Station and you´ll have your new certificate Fast.
How do I get a New NIE Number certificate?
To get a replacement for your old NIE Number certificate you will need to basically go through the same process as getting the original once. You will need to fill in the forms, make an appointment at your local police station and pay the same taxes/fee’s
Have you been asked to provide the original NIE Number Certificate and you have lost it?
Book an NIE Number appointment online Now
Internal Links
Moving to Spain and need a NIE Number
I have my NIE Number, What Next?
I had a NIE number in 2001 but I have lost it and intend moving back to Spain soon,could you help me get the replacement certificate
Hi Ian.
yes no problem. please use our online NIE Number booking form and we will get you booked in.
Am pierdut NIE alb in original dar am o fotocopie ce acte imi trebuie pentru nIE verde? Va multumesc
Ich habe knapp zehn Jahre in Spanien gelebt. Eigene Wohnung in Cap y Corp – Alcocebre. Habe meine Nie-Nummer vergessen.
I know my NIE but have lost my residencia card.
Can u help?
yes, please call the office on 0034 6655556070
Buna ziua am lucrat in 2006 respectiv 2007 in Spania,as dori sa ma reintorc,dar de data aceasta cu familia,am avut cartea verde pe Pasaport si NIE,dar le-am pierdut,rugamintea mea,va rog ma puteti ajuta sa il recapat,sau ce ar trebui sa fac pt a il recapata,ca sa pot locui,lucra,inchiria o casa si a imi inscrie copii la scoala,Urgent,va Multumesc!
please call the office on 0034 665556070 to discuss your NIE Number requirements.
Many thanks
Bună ziua am făcut cerere de ami recupera n.i.e am achitat taxa,dar din partea voastră nici o reacție
Como ago para recuperar o meu Nie que perdi sou portugues
How can I figure out what someones NIE is? I do have the name and address.
If you was looking to find out someone else NIE you would been POA to be able to look into this?
I have my NIE number but not the card, the letters wore off. How can I get a replacement? My address and passport are different. Thanks. I plan to return to Spain soon.
Please give the office a call on 0034 665556070
Many Thanks
Mi nie esta pérdida pero estoy en mi pays en burkina faso tengo mi número en mente coma aser para poder volver en espagne?
I have lost my NIE number that was issued to me in Benidorm at the police station 1992. Can I still obtain a copy of this please.
Paul Maynes
Hi Paul
As it was issued so long ago if you have not been using it its likely the tie is not active and you will need to apply for a new tie number.
I hope this helps?
Como puedo cambiar el número de móvil en el N.I.E.
I obtained an NIE In 2008, then moved into Gibraltar in 2014, I Never renewed my NIE nor Renounced it, should I have renounced it? if so how do I do this?
Hi I got my nie in 2011 spent 3 years in Spain but have been back in the UK the last 9 years I have lost my documents can I get a replacement from the embassy here in the UK or is it best to get it once back in Spain next year
When your back in Spain we can book you in to the police station to get a nie replacement.
I hope this helps?
I lived in Spain from 2002 till 2012 I have lost my NIE and all my paperwork, I want to return to live in Spain and have requested a appointment for NLV at the consulate here in UK, can I get a replacement of my NIE when I go to the consulate appointment.
You will get your nie with the visa. There is no need to apply separately.
I hope this helps?
Hi Lisa. Nice to see I’m not the only person who misplaces things 🙂
I had an NIE issued for a job I had when I lived in Madrid in 2003. No clue where the paperwork is now, nor the number.
If I go to a police station in Spain now, what will I need to show them to trace me and get a new copy?
Thanks in advance,
You will now need to apply for a new nie. One from 2003 would have now expired.
I hope this helps?
I had a NIE number but lost it and need a duplicate. How to proceed?
Hi Julia
You need to apply for a new one. At your appointment they will search the data base if your old one is still active they will give you a copy, if not they will issue a new number.
I hope this helps?
J’ai fait ma demande de NIE cet été, je l’ai payé etc, mais je n’ai pas pu aller au rendez-vous pour le récupérer. Savez vous si je peux le récupérer par email par hasard ?
Ik ben mijn NIE nummer kwijt.
Ik woon sedert 2014 in Spanje.
Mijn paspoort is verlopen. Ik kan niet naar Madrid om een nieuwe te halen.
Kan ik mijn NIE nummer per internet opzoeken ?
Salve, ho perso il foglio originale del NIE bianco e mi serve per poter finalizzare l’empadronamiento. Occorre fissare un appuntamento in polizia per poter farmelo stampare di nuovo?
Inoltre, sul mio NIE bianco, c’è scritto “NO residente”; è possibile risolvere il tutto tramite il vostro servizio? Perchè ora ho un contratto d’affitto.
Please call the office on 0034 665556070 to discuss,
Many Thanks
Ich habe eine NIE Nummer, weiss diese auch aber keine Dokumente mehr.
Was muss ich tun ?
Goedemiddag, ik had een witte a4 NIE NUMMER maar ben deze kwijt ben van plan om weer naar Spanje te gaan voor lange tijd maar ik heb nog geen adres daar is dat nodig voor een nieuwe NIE NUMMER aan te vragen.
MvG Dennis Braun