A question we get asked a lot here at MY NIE Number Spain. Do Children need a NIE Number?
A Child of Any age can obtain a NIE Number certificate, even a bay if it has a photo Passport.
Obtaining a NIE Number is the same for a Child as it is for an adult. You will need to fill our both forms, the NIE Number forms EX-15 & 790 and make an appointment at the local Police station. Need your NIE Number today? Visit our NIE Number home page to read more.

Do the Children have to come to the Police station with me to get their NIE Number in Spain?
We have heard varying reports if the Child needs to attend the police station NIE Number appointment. Some Police stations in Spain will allow just the parents with a Valid passport and a valid passport of the Child to attend and other Police Stations, others have requested the child attends so they can compare the photo on the passport to the child.
As getting an appointment takes such a long time in Spain we do recommend taking your child with you to the NIE Number appointment.

My Child will get bored waiting at the police station for their NIE Number appointment
Sometimes the wait at the police station can be a few hours, even with an appointment. We recommend taking something with you to keep your little ones amused and quite while waiting.

Do I need to pay the TAX for my Childs NIE Number appointment?
Yes, unfortunately the same rules with regards to tax apply to adults as to children. You will need to take form 790 to the bank and pay the current fee.
Does my Child need a NIE Number?
Its almost unheard of for a child to be asked for their NIE Number in Spain, however some outside sports companies ask for it for insurance reasons. If you child has been asked for their NIE Number please let us know so we can update this page.

What happens if I’ve lost my Childs NIE Certificate?

If you have lost your child’s NIE Number certificate its the same as if you have lost your NIE Number certificate. You will need to make a new CITA PRIVA appointment at the police station, fill out the forms again and pay the relevant tax on the form 790.
NIE Number forms translated into English
Im still not sure if my Child must have a NIE Number or its optional?
Hi Beverley. There doesn’t seem to be a legal requirement for your Child to get a NIE Number, but it is true some out of school clubs have been asking for them. If you would like to get your Child a NIE Number please let us know and we can get this sorted for you. Many Thanks, Lisa.
Hi lisa can you advise me on obtaining an NIE number for my 10 year old child …born in the UK living in Mallorca
Hi Jason. Your child will need the Cert EU, which is residency and NIE in one package. Please feel free to give us a call if you would like to discuss further. Lisa
To register at a local dr and get residencia, do my children need an nie?
Hi Louise. The children all need green residency cards. With this card they also get issued a NIE Number at the same time.
Hi, I am not sure if I understand it right. Me and my wife ´ve got NIE but children no. We want to make an appointment for residencia. Can children get residencia without NIE?
Yes, children are issued their NIE Number when they apply for residency, they don’t need it first.
I was at the Social Security office today and if your child is not Spanish then they need to have a NIE in order to get a social security number in order to be fully registered in Spanish National Health care system.
Hi Jessica.
Yes your child will need a green nie which is officially called a certificate of the EU or reresidency. Once they have this they are covered under the Spanish health care system. If you would like us to book you a NIE Number appointment please use the NIE Number booking form on our website.
Many thanks
Was the same for my son, which is really weird because my wife got a health card without a NIE just with the empadronamiento… (This is in Barcelona, I have a “green card” being an EU citizen)
I guess right now with COVID and all you folks don’t arrange any appointments, right?
Hi Richard
The NIE Number system in Spain is now up and running and normal. Please use our online NIE Number booking form and we will get you booked in asap.
Many Thanks
Hi there!
Which section i have to mark on 790 tasa document for baby who born in spain and i would like a nie for hím?
-Asignación de Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) a instancia del interesado.
-Certificado de registro de residente comunitario o Tarjeta de residencia de familiar de un ciudadano de la Unión.
Thank you very much
Hi Robert
We complete all the forms for our customers so no need to do this your self.
My name is Juan and I just move to Mallorca, I got an appointment to get my and my son’s NIE in Palma this Friday, do we need ours birth certificate???
Hi Jaun
You need to apply for as TIE in Mallorca. We do these on our sister website http://www.tiecardspain.com
I hope this helps
Sorry I forgot to mention that my son’s got a British passport both of them.
As Ireland are at level 5 lockdown they are not processing passport applications. Is it possible to obtain a NIE for my 3 month old son without his passport?
Hi Tara
No, im afraid you will need aa passport for him…
hi..i am travelling to spain in 1 week time. my husband has green residency card and live and works in Spain. I also have green residency card. My 16 year old son just has British passport. Can i bring him with me as his grandma cannot look after him in UK? i can travel with my residency card under new travel rules. Will they allow my son too? thankyou
Please call the office to discuss on 0034 665556070 or visit our tie card website http://www.tiecardspain.com
My Son was born in Spain 2 years ago and has a Spanish Birth Certificate. He took my husband’s Irish Nationality until we can apply for Spanish citizenship. We were told last week by the local INSS office it’s compulsory for him to have a NIE. We have done some recent research and apparently it is not compulsory. Can you confim this and advise us where we can find relevant official information to back our findings up. Many Thanks
Please give the office a call on 0034 665556070 to discuss your child’s nie number.
many thanks
My 12 year old granddaughter is coming to Spain to live with us, can she stay here legally with an NIE
She will need to get a family member TIE card. Please see our sister website http://www.tiecardspain.com
I hope this helps?
Hello. I would like information about getting my 9 year old son a NIE.
He was born in Madrid and has held a British Passport since birth. I recently tried to get him the TIE but They said it wasn’t possible without a NIE.
My question is whether he can get a NIE since Brexit? or is there another way of obtaining a TIE? Thank you
Please give our helpline a call on 0034 665556070 to discuss.
many thanks
To add as a beneficiary for the local health card (tarjeta sanitaria), I was requested to produce NIE for my child. We live in Mallorca, Im a european citizen with the residence card.
You will need to get a residence card for your child as well.
You can sign up for this on our website https://www.mynie.co.uk
I hope this helps.
Are we obligated to provide child’s NIE for signing up for public school online
P3?! 2 years ago we did it without but I hear different stories now🙈
Most schools now ask for a nie or residency.
I hope this helps
Hallo, ich habe gehört dass Kinder eine N.I.E. Nummer haben müssen in Spanien. Ich wollte die Nummern im spanischen Konsulat in Deutschland beantragen weil es leichter und schneller ist. Aber was muss ich als Grund auf dem Formular schreiben? Kinder können ja keine Häuser kaufen oder mieten oder solche Dinge machen. Also was für ein Grund muss ich angeben?