Do you already have your Spanish NIE Number? Some NIE Number certificates issued before 2016 had an expiry date, or were limited to a 3 month Period. NIE Numbers issued today have no expiry date and they stay with you for life.
If you already have a Spanish NIE Number, and it has expired, visit our NIE NUMBER BOOKING FORM and fill out all the details and one of our representatives will book you a new appointment. If you have lost your NIE Number certificate click here.
Will my NIE Number expire?
How do I re-apply for an expired NIE Number?

Reapplying for an expired NIE Number is easy with our service. Once we have all your details our staff will fill out your NIE Number forms and book you in at the police station. Unfortunately you will need to pay the NIE Number tax again at the bank, there’s no way around this.
How do I know if my NIE Number has expired?

If your NIE Number certificate was issued before 2016 it will have a stamp on it saying when it is due to expire. If there is no official stamp you can assume your number is your life long number and you do not need to re-apply for a new one.
I’ve lost my NIE Number certificate so I don’t know if its expired or not. How can I solve this?
If you have lost your NIE Number certificate you will need to reapply anyway. If your certificate has not expired it will be a simple job at the police station to get a replacement. However, if your certificate has expired you will need to re-submit your forms 790 and EX-15 and pay the appropriate tax at the bank.
Renewing your NIE Number is easy with our service. Visit our NIE Number booking home page today to find out how we can help you get your NIE Number in less than 24hrs.
Do Children need a NIE Number?
To find out more about Children and NIE Numbers visit our Expert NIE Number Children’s page
Some more information about NIE Numbers from our Expert Lisa
Getting a NIE Number to open a bank account
Getting a NIE Number to buy or rent a car
Getting a NIE Number to conect to the internet
Hi .
I had a NIE number 2004 would that number be still registered to me or would i have to re- apply for new number.
Many thanks
Hi Nick. You will need to reapply to get an unto date NIE Number certificate from the police. If on your appointment date the officer can find the old number they will use that but if they can’t they will use a new NIE Number. I hope this helps? Lisa
Hi Nick. The NIE Number you obtained in 2004 has likely now expired. its best to apply for a new NIE Number and obtain an up to date certificate.
There is no expiry date on Mt nie dated 2005. You say above if that is the case then we can assume it is a lifetime number. It was accepted for my 10 year TIE form
I am trying to fill out a form for Pre-solicitud de prestación individual. Its asking me for the expiry date of my NIE which no where on the paper does it have an expiry date.
The date on the bottom of NIE where its been signed is when I must have got it, which says treinta de marzo de dos mil uno.
Any help would be appreciated.
Many Thanks
Stacey Daffin
Hi stacey
If your NIE certificate does not show an expired date it must be one of the new ones which don’t expire.
I hope this helps?
Hi, Stacey.
I was exactly on the same site today having the same problem.
Did you find a solution?
Thanks a lot,
Come si fa a rinnovare il nie?
Hola a todos !
Obtuve el NIE en 2000. Trabajé en España hasta2012, y tuve que volver a mi pais por razones familiales. En noviembre de 2011 renove la it targeta, I me han dado un certificado de registro de ciudadano de la Union.
Me podeis decir si todavia tengo NIE valido ? Si no,– al pedir uno nuevo, aparecere haber tenido uno ? Tendria que notificar que he tenido uno ya ? — a intencion de reanudar mi Vida laboral..?
Muchas gracias !
I have a green card with residente communtario en espagna but .. not permanente… dated 2012. Will this allow me back into spain across the frontier at la linea / gibraltar
Hi Penny
Thanks for your message. It seems you have the correct nie number but we are unable to tell you if it will allow you access to spain before the borders open. I would suggest contacting the Spanish embassy in the uk and asking them.
Sorry we were not able to help more.
En el website de Seguridad Social me pide la fecha de caducidad de mi NIE. Pero no lo tengo en ningún documento, no me deja seguir sin esa fecha.
Pueden ayudarme a solucionar?
Gabriela hola, como arreglaste el papeleo en un final, me pasa lo mismo y no puedo continuar con los trámites pq no hay fecha de caducidad en el nie.
Buenos dias.. mi consulta es la siguente. tengo mi N.I.E desde el 2015 y no tiene vencimiento la tarjeta.. Me es valida todavia? ?ya que por problemas familiares hace cuatro anos que no estoy en Espana y quiero volver para trabajar este mes de septiembre.. espero su respuesta y gracias po su tiempo..!!
We are US citizens with permanent residency in another EU country. We have rented a vacation house in Spain that we will travel to throughout the year. We need an NIE in order to establish utilities. Will temporary NIE work for this? Are we able to apply for one through you?
Hi Joe
Please give the office a call on 0034 665556070
Many thanks
Hola, para pedir la renta minima me pide la fecha de caducidad del NIE. pero mi NIE no la tiene y el sistema no me deja seguir adelante. q tengo q hacer?
I have a permanent NIE, which I got in 2014.
But I have to update my address and I would like to have the new NIE with a photo.
Could you tell me how this process works? ( police station, can I do this online?)
Thanks in advance!
I’ve applied for the extra “ayuda familiar” and I’ve been denied because it says Im a foreign worker who doesn’t have legal residence in Spain. I have an NIE, I’ve lived and worked in Tenerife for over 20 years (still here now), I have a house here for over 15 years I don’t understand why I would be denied for that reason. I’ve checked my NIE that was issued in 1992 & I’ve got the green NIE paper in 2008, it doesn’t say a date of expiry on it. So I presume its a lifelong one? When I went to fill in the ayuda familiar form it asked for an expiry date for my NIE so I just put in the highest date I could as I was under the impression my NIE doesn’t run out. Could you help?
Thankyou, Sarag
Hi Sarah
Sound like you had the green 5 year residency. Please give the office a call on 0034 655566070
Buna am nie din 2004 -2005 dar a trebuit sa plec in Romania si mam intors de curand mai e valabil numarul?
Bonsoir je voudrais savoir ce qu’il faut faire avant de remplir le formulaire ci-dessous
Je suis africaine et je vis en Espagne Barcelone depuis 8mois mariée à un espagnol je suis arrivée au mauvais moment du covid et je ne parviens pas à avoir un rendez vous sur le site cita previa
En faisant mes recherches je suis tombée ici svp je voudrais bien savoir quel est la procédure à suivre pour moi j’ai besoin du nie et la résidence pour faire des formations et travailler ici a Barcelone j’ai vu une assistance sociale qui m’a dit qu’elle devrait m’aider pour le rendez vous cela va faire 6mois aujourd’hui et jusqu’à aujourd’hui toujours rien
Aidez à avoir mes papiers mon mari je connait pas grand chose a celà
Good evening,
I’m writing on behalf of my husband. He is Swiss citizen and got his NIE white paper in 2017, just like our daughter. Since then we were trying to get for them the NiE card which if I understand well is the permanent NIE, without luck.
Can you help us getting them the NIE card?
Thank you
Yes we can help with this. The Card, although commonly referred to as a NIE Card is actually a residency card, which simply has your nie number appearing on it.
For the Spanish residency card/NIE card you will need to have
A Padron Certificate from the local town hall
Either proof of employment and payment of tax and social security in Spain
Private health insurance in place. This must be fully compressive, paid 1 year upfront and be equivalent to the nation health Service.
Proof of funds, ideally of 7k per person.
If you meet these criteria you can apply for the green card/cert eu
If you would like to discuss this further please feel free to give the office a call on 0034 665556070
Many Thanks
My NIE card, which was issued to me in 2015, has a stamp but no date on it. I’ve been on unemployment benefit since November and was told this morning that I can no longer claim as I am British and my NIE is no longer valid due to the fact we’ve left the European Union! I’m confused as to whether I need to renew my NIE or apply for a TIE.
I would be very grateful for any information.
Many thanks,
You need to upgrade your nie card to a tie card. We do this on our sister website http://www.tiecardspain.com
I hope this helps?
Ám nie alb din 2018
Mai este valabil, pot lucra?
My TIE card expired on 14/8/2022 and currently doing Professional Internship with a company in Barcelona. My company has applied for work permit but dont have any reply. do i have to apply intership visa during my six month peroid or can i wait for the permit status. currently i am in barcelona.