If your thinking of buying a house, flat, apartment or villa in Spain you will most certainly need your Spanish NIE Number fast.
Failing to secure your Spanish NIE Number may mean your house sale falls through and you loose your deposit.
So, first of all just what is a Spanish NIE Number and Why do I need an NIE Number to buy property in Spain?
The NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) is a Spanish tax identification number given by the Spanish authorities/police to any foreigner/Ex-pat.
The number is unique and personal and is used as a way of tracking an individual’s financial and official activities in Spain. It is a legal requirement for all resident and non-resident foreigners with financial, professional or social affairs in Spain – regardless of whether they are EU citizens or from a non-EU country to have a NIE Number.
So weather your looking to buy a flat, apartment, villa or holiday home in Spain you 100% need to have your Paper A4 NIE number certificate in your hand before you can move forward. You will also need your NIE Number for connecting to the internet, opening a bank account in Spain , and connecting to the internet.
If your buying a house and need a NIE Number today you have come to the right website! Here at MY NIE Number spain getting your NIE Number for your house purchase is our number one job. Use our easy English Language NIE Number Booking form today.
My NIE Number Spain asked several estate agents in Spain about getting your NIE Number before buying a property.
Lilly Allen Jones from Bunkers estate agents Based in Benidorm Said
‘Yes, its very important to get your Spanish NIE Number before even viewing houses in Spain. If you don’t have your paper certificate NIE Number in your hand and you like a property you risk loosing that property because the wait time at the police station and on the Spanish booking website can be very slow.’
Mark Jenkins from Jenkins estate agents said:
‘Its vitally important to get your NIE Number at the earliest opportunity as you do risk loosing your deposit if you make an offer on a villa, house or apartment and it falls through.’
Mike Short from short man and co Estate agents said
‘We have had so many sales fall through because ex-pats have not had there NIE Number sorted before they come to Spain. Its so very important you book your NIE Number through the official NIE Number website’
Can i open a Spanish bank account without a NIE Number?
Photo’s of Spanish NIE Numbers
More information about buying a house in Spain
Houses in Spain you will need a NIE Number to buy
You will certainly need your Spanish NIE Number to buy this beautiful Villa in Santa Ana, Menorca, Balearic Islands. Read more on the Rightmoves website
Thanks for the information. We are currently in Benidorm and am looking at properties around albir and alfaz. We have just placed the order for our Spanish Nie Numbers how long will it take as we want to buy a villa soon?
Hi Amanda. Thank you for your NIE Number Spain booking. We can confirm we have recived all your details and we will get back to to you in the next couple of hours with your appointment date. Many Thanks, Lisa, https://www.mynie.co.uk
Hi Amanda. Thanks for your message on our NIE Number website. The current wait for a NIE Number in Benidorm is 3-6 weeks. If you use our easy booking form we will try and get you booked in as soon as possible. Many Thanks, Lisa, https://www.mynie.co.uk
Do I need a spanish NIE number to rent property in Spain?
Hi Michael thank you for visiting our official NIE Number website. The subject of weather you need a NIE Number in Spain to rent property is a tricky one. We would always recommend getting your NIE anyway, but some estate agents will rent you property without a NIE Number. We will be writing an article soon on our blog about estate agents so keep your eyes open 🙂 Lisa https://www.mynie.co.uk
I hope to be in Almeria the beginning of December, however I am totally confused as to what I need first when I arrive. We have a house picked out that we would like to buy but I don’t know if I need a NIE number first, residency, padron or SIP card. Our main aim is to place an offer on the house that we have picked as soon as we possibly can.
I would be happy to use your services but I need to know the correct order that is required.
Hi Jim
Its probably best to give our office a call on 0034 665556070 to go over your options
Pentru renovarea NIE daca momentan nu lucrez,ce acte îmi trebuiesc? Mulțumesc