Have your lost your Spanish NIE Number in Spain? Need it to buy a car, rent a house or get connected to the internet or for work reasons?

Unfortunately there is only one way to get a replacement copy of your Original NIE Number certificate and that is to unfortunately go through the whole process again from the start.
It maybe a bit easier at the police station if you have a photo or have your NIE Number written down somewhere.
To trace your lost Spanish NIE Number visit our book now page. Unfortunately although you have already given all these details to the Spanish Police before we will need all the details again. The reason for this is: If the police search their database and can not find you, it will be treated as a new application. To save time and not risk you being pushed to the back of the que its best to go with all the paperwork completed for a new application.
Once you have placed your order and sent your details via our easy English format NIE Number booking form one of our representatives will be in touch within 24hrs with your appointment date at the police station.
When you get to the police station the process will be the same as applying for a new NIE Number. You may not need it if the police manage to find your application on their system but we recommend taking two passport sized photos with you. You will also have to pay the government fee of (9.75) again at the bank.
Opening a bank account without a NIE Number
Hi, I need a copy of my NIE Number appointment certificate so I can register a car in Spain. Can you message me a copy?
Hi Simon. Im afraid bad news to get a copy of your certificate you need to make an appointment at the police station and have all the forms filled out again. If you use our easy NIE Number booking form on our main website https://www.mynie.co.uk we will be able to sort this out for you. Many Thanks, Lisa
Hello. I need a replacement NIE certificate as I used power of attorney originally and was never given my certificate.. I do have my number though. When I go online to book an appointment is it in the original police station or local to where I have my apartment? The solicitor that had POA worked in Marbella and has since retired. My apartment is in Estepona.. Thanks for your help
Hi graham
You will need to have your NIE Number appointment in Estepona where your property is, not in Marbella where it was originally issued. I hope this helps. Lisa
I have my NIE number but I don’t have the paperwork. Can you provide me with a copy. My NIE number is Y-1154249-P
Does this help !
Hi Philip
Im afraid the only way to get a replacement paperwork/certificate for your NIE Number is from the police. For this you will need an appointment at the police station and the relevant NIE Number paperwork. We can help you with this is you like. Simply complete the NIE Number booking form on our website and we will get you booked in.
Je voulais que vous m’aider a récupérer mon numéro NIE je l’ai perdu,au cas où tu auras besoin de mes coordonnées tu m’envoie le courrier
Yes we can book you in for your NIE Number. Please use the NIE Number booking form and we will get you booked in as quick as possible.
Hi. I worked in Barcelona in 1980s and paid tax. So I think I had an NIE. I’m now looking to buy property in Alicante. How can I obtain my old number?
Almost certainly this number would not still exist if you got it in the 1980’s. you would now need to apply for a new nie number.
I hope this helps.
I have lost my original copy of my NIE certificate but have a photocopy. I am going to go for residency, will I need a new certificate or will my copy do?
Also do you help with obtaining residency in Spain?
Hi Christine
Thanks for your message. No, you won’t need a copy of your lost NIE NIE Number certificate to apply for Residency because they already have a copy at the police station online. Yes we can book you in for Spanish residency no problem, Please visit our apply for Spanish residency page for more information.
Speak soon
Please if a minor is given one year residence and gors for a renewal though he or she is not 18 years will they still give him or her one year or two years..?initial non lucrative residence permit..?
Hi Chritian
Its best to call our NIE Number office to discuss this. 0034 665556070
Comment faire pour avoir une copie de mon NIE que j’ai perdu ? J’ai rempli le formulaire EX-15 : puis je aller au consulat d’Espagne en France pour déposer la demande ou suis-je obligée de me rendre en Espagne ?
Merci d’avance de votre réponse
You need to be in Spain with your passport top be able to obtain a copy of your NIE Number certificate.
I have been told by my bank in Mallorca that my NIE has expired. I have it since 2003, is this correct?
Hi John
Its possible yes if its not been used. You now have to apply for a TIE. please visit our TIE CARD SPAIN website for more information http://www.tiecardspain.com
I’ve lived in Spain before (2009 to 2012) and moved abroad since then. I’ve lost the original NIE paper but i know the number still (from some old utility bills in my email and payslips NIE + Social Security Number).
From what I read here NIE stays the same number through your lifetime…
I’m currently living in the U.K. (but EU citizen so no need for TIE) and due to Covid restrictions I cannot just simply go to a police station in Spain to check or reapply for the physical NIE (let alone travel – Feb 2021)…I’m planning to move to Spain as soon this restrictions end but I have a chance of buying a Spanish Plate car here in the U.K. ( and getting rid of my RHD english car) but for that I need a NIE (valid).
Am I thinking right or should I apply again for a new number?
(Sorry for the long and oddly specific enquiry)
Please give the office a call on 0034 655556070
Is there a register / system where I can check my NIE (We applied after July 2020 and believe certificates are no longer given to UK citizens?) Thanks!
Hi Jade
if you applied using the TIE process your NIE Number will be on your TIE Card? If you applied for a normal NIE you should have been issued a NIE certificate at the police station?
Hi Jade,
I lived in Benidorm from 2001 to 2011 and got my NIE in 2003 but have since lost it and no longer know my number, however my old employer there my be able to find the number from old paperwork.
I’m a UK citizen and I’m thinking of returning to Spain and applying for residencia and setting up my own business.
Since I got my NIE number before Brexit would the process for a residencia be easier and what route would I need to take.
Kind regards
Hi Dale
Please feel free to call the office to discuss
0034 665556070
many thanks
Hi I need to get an NIE number before 7th November 2021
Do you think this will be possible?
Yes this is currently possible in some areas of Spain. please give the office a call on 0034 665556070 to discuss.
Many Thanks
Hi I left Spain years ago (2002) was there for 18years I did go to Spanish state school would I have had a nie number ? Also my girlfriend worked while she lived there would but can’t find her nie do we need to reapply
Hi would I have had a Spanish nie number if I was in Spanish school for a few years
Its possible but the only way to know for sure is to apply for a new nie number.
I hope this helps?
I have booked ferry tickets, my husband’s NIE has been verified but mine hasn’t. Is there a reason for this? We did our residentia together
Please call the office for advice 0034665556070
Many Thanks
Har ett NIE nummer i Spanien. Kan ej finna originalet men behöver nu en ny kopia. Hur kan jag få denna utan att besöka polisstation i Spanien?
Befinner mig i Sverige över sommaren och beräknas vara tillbaka i Spanien i November 2022.
Is it possible for a British citizen to obtain a replacement NIE if he hasn’t lived in Spain for 32 years? The NIE is now needed to sell land he still owns there.
Also as he has Alzheimer’s desease and I have been granted Power of Attorney by a British court would I be able to apply on his behalf as it is not possible for him to travel to Spain ?
After 32 years you would need to apply for a new NIE number. You could attend then appointment on his behalf if you have POA
I hope this helps?
Hello, I lived in Spain over 20 years ago, I had an nie number as I was working. I’m currently thinking about moving back as my parents are there. How would I go about getting a copy/new number? Would mine still be valid after this amount of time?
If it was 20 years ago and has not been used consistently to pay tax you would need to start from scratch and apply for a new nie number.
I hope this helps?
Hej jag bodde i Spanien før 8/9 år sedan hade NIE nr men funderar på flytta tillbaka hade en del skulder där vad händer med dem och får jag en ny NIE nr ?
Betyder det att dem skulder e kvar?
Tacksam før svar:)
Mvh alexandra
We are dealing with the Will and assets of our uncle who died. He left a Will for us to be beneficiaries. We are dealing with a spainish solicitor as the assets include an apartment in Spain and a bank account. The solicitor has asked for our uncles NIE number but we can’t find this, can you advise if is there any way we can get this please?
Maybe you could check the bills etc as this would normally have the nie number on. Alternatively maybe the deeds of the house might display the nie number.
I hope this helps?
I’m am EU National. I had an NIE issued in 2017 but have been living outside of Spain since 2019. I plan to return soon to purchase a property and live full time. Is my old NIE still valid? Or do I need to re-apply? I was given a card (not a certificate) with no expiry date.
Please give the office a call to discuss
I lived and worked in Spain from 1990 to 2007 so had an NIE number. I would like to move back to Spain so the question is can the number be recovered or do I need to make a new application. The card expired in Oct 2012. I am a UK citizen.
Hi Gary
please give the office a call to discuss on 0034 665556070
many thanks
Hi. I lived in Spain in the 1990s, I had an NIE number but then returned to the Uk and have lost details of the NIE number. Could it be traced or would I have to start the application process again please?
Thank You,
Please give the office a call on 0034 665556070