How long does it take to get a NIE Number in Spain

How long to get a NIE Number in Spain?So, you need a NIE Number Fast? Here at MY NIE Number Spain getting your NIE Number as quick as possible is our job.  But how long is the wait to get a NIE Number appointment at the Spanish Police Station?

How long it takes to get a Spanish NIE Number in each Spanish region varies greatly depending on the time of year, how busy the police station is, joined by other factors such as Brexit making more people apply for NIE Numbers.

Here at MY NIE we will book you the earliest CITA appointment possible. Then, if you require an urgent appointment we will wait until an Cancellation appointment becomes available and move your appointment forward.

The longer you leave booking your original appointment the less chance of you being able to obtain a cancelation appointment.

Book your NIE Number appointment Today!


Below we have put an average guide to how long it takes to get an appointment in each region: (June 2018)


The waiting time in Alicante can be between 4-6 weeks. This includes Benidorm


Coruna has a reasonably short wait at current with some NIE Number appointments the next week.


Alava also has a reasonably short waiting list for NIE Numbers. You can normally get an appointment within 1-2 weeks


The current wait in Albacete is around 2 weeks.


Almeria has a longer wait for NIE Numbers. You can expect to wait in the region of 6 weeks for your appointment.


This region has the shortest wait for a NIE Number, averaging about 1 week.


Two to Three weeks in the normal waiting time in Avila for a NIE Number appointment at the police station.


Badajoz has fewer than average police stations and as such has a current wait of around 3 weeks.

Balearic Islands

NIE Number appointments in the Balearic Islands can vary from 2-8 weeks depending on which island. Contact us for more information.


Barcelona currently has a 4-6 week waiting time. We can get you a cancelation appointment most of the time.


Biscay has a reasonably short wait for a NIE Number of 2 weeks


Its possible to get a NIE Number appointment in less than two weeks in Burgos


Caceres has a short wait of only a week.


Most areas of Cadiz you can get a NIE Number in less than two weeks.


Cantarbia is an easy location to get a NIE Number, the wait is around a week.


The current wait in Castellon is 2-3 weeks.

Ciudad Real

Ciudad Real has a wait of approximately 4 weeks for NIE number appointments.


Cordoba has a wait of around 1 week for a NIE Number appointment.


Gipuzkoa police work fast! You can sometimes get a NIE Appointment the same week.


Granada has a long 4-6 week wait for NIE Number appointments at the moment.


Gaudalajara is a very responsive Region. You can normaly get your NIE Number in less than two weeks.


Huelva is not an easy region to get your NIE Number…. We have seen waits of up to 8 weeks in this region.


Huesca has a reasonably short wait of 1-2 weeks.


No waiting around in Jaen. We can normally book your NIE Number appointment  for the same week

La Rioja

A medium waiting time currently in La Rioja with the average being 2-4 weeks.

Las Palmas

This region is extremely busy in peak season. You can expect to wait upto 8 week for your NIE Number appointment in this region.


Although Madrid is the capital of Spain and has many police stations the current waiting time for a NIE Number appointment is 5-8 weeks


Malaga is another busy region this time of year. You can again expect to wait upto 8 weeks for an appointment.


Murcia currently has a medium wait, approximately 4 weeks but this can increase and decrease during the year.


If your moving to Navarre and need a NIE Number fast your in luck. The waiting time is normally less than a week.


With hundreds of orange pickers in Seville requiring a NIE Number in peak season the wait can be up to 6 weeks.


This is another great region if you need your NIE Number Fast! The wait in Soria is normally less than 2 weeks.


Although Tarragona is not a popular tourist hot spot the wait for NIE Numbers can be several weeks up to a month in peak season.


Valencia currently has a 6 week wait and this number is growing. Book your NIE Number appointment early in this Region.


If your moving to Valladolid your in luck! The waiting time is normally less that 2 weeks.


Zamagoza has an equally fast system with most people getting a NIE Number appointment in less than 2 weeks.


Getting your NIE Number in Ibiza can be a long wait. In peak season you can expect to wait up to 10 weeks for an appointment!

Some NIE Number case studies on the amount of time it takes to get a NIE Number in Spain

Darren and Steve get thier NIE Number in Benidorm

Darren and Steve booked their NIE Number appointments with us on May 1st 2017. The Area they wanted was Benidorm in Spain. This area is notoriously busy at this time of year with the start of the tourist season.  We Managed to get them booked in on the 5th June which was not ideal. Although we had there appointments booked in we managed to move Steve’s appointment forward to the 14th June (13 day wait) and Darren’s to the 18th June (17 day wait)


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How to get a NIE Number in Alicante

NIE Number to Inherit Property in Spain.


Have you been left an inheritance in Spain, but been told to Claim it you need a Spanish NIE Number? Are you thinking of Making a Spanish Will?

It is recommended that after buying assets (property) in Spain (i.e. House, Villa, apartment) Ex-pats should make a Spanish Will.  A new Spanish law now states all beneficiaries named in a will must obtain their own NIE Numbers in order to inherit.

Reasons for Making a Will in Spain:

1.) Give your self and your relatives Peace of Mind. It is important for your loved ones that you leave everything in order for when the time arrives.

2.) Make sure all the hard work over the years goes directly to those you care about and not to the Spanish Tax Office. Planning in advance ensures you keep Inheritance tax to an absolute minimum for your family.

3.) Locate a local recommended Lawyer who is well informed and up to date on inheritance laws. Seek NIE Numbers for your loved ones at a convenient time for all i.e.: when visiting you on holiday, instead of this being a chore to be carried out later at what will be a stressful enough time for them.

4.) Preparing a will in advance enables you to be informed about the procedures in Spain. Your loved ones can also then be advised of what to expect when the time arrives. E.g., Inheritance Taxes are to be paid up front prior to any names being changed on a title deed. Property and possessions can not be sold or bequeathed until the taxes are paid. Should your inheritors not be prepared or they are to be unsure of the procedures they may not be able to provide to the relevant authorities the correct information and documentation required. This may cause delays and consequently penalties charges may be incurred.

Your assigned lawyer will draw up the will in both English and Spanish. They should ensure you have all the latest Spanish Inheritance Information, translated and witnessed by your local Notary. Following this, registration of the document is made at the Central Wills’ Registry who is based in Madrid.

Usually Lawyers, if you already have a will in your own country of residence, can automatically calculate in advance how much tax your loved ones will have to pay and can also make suggestions of how you may be able to reduce the taxes your inheritors will pay.

In the absence of a will? Should a will not be made, your beneficiaries’ will need judicial or notarised documents that declare they are legitimate heirs. In addition to this they will need to provide clear evidence in order to justify that their claim to inherit your estate is valid. If an agreement by the parties involved cannot be made then it is likely the case will go to court where the decision regarding your hard earned possessions is made by the judge.

Contact us NOW to find out how to obtain fast NIE Numbers for your loved ones and give yourself peace of mind.

Here at MY NIE NUMBER SPAIN getting your NIE Number Fast is our job! Visit our homepage to read more about our service or Book your NIE Number appointment today using our easy Online booking Form.

More Information:

The Difference between a NIF, TIE AND NIE NUMBER

Get a Benidorm NIE Number Fast

How to pay my NIE Number Tax

How to get a NIE Number in Marbella

What is the Difference between a NIE, TIE, NIF in Spain?

The difference between a NIE Number and a NIF and TIE Number Spain.

The difference between the 3 different types of Tax Numbers (NIE,TIE,NIF) in Spain is reasonably simple.

NIE Number Spain: A NIE Number is issued to a EU citizen.  You can book your NIE Number appointment through our website

TIE Number Spain: A TIE Number is issued to non EU residents who wish to work or buy property in Spain. Its similar to a NIE but you also get an identity card. Book your TIE Number appointment today

NIF Number Spain: A NIF Number is used to Spanish Citizen as their tax identification number. A NIF Number is not issued to non Spanish Citizens.

Here at my NIE Number Spain we can obtain your NIE Number or TIE Number. Visit our home page today to read more of book using our secure booking form.

What our NIE Number Expert Lisa Says:

After Brexit it is thought British Citizens will need to apply for a TIE Number and NOT a NIE Number.  These plans have not been announced yet, however we will update our blog as soon as we know.

Read our Ex-Pats Guide to NIE Numbers

How to get a NIE Number in Marbella

Getting a NIE Number on National Holidays in Spain

What Proof do I need to get a NIE Number?


You must provide proof of why you need a NIE Number

So, you have your NIE Number appointment booked, and Spanish NIE Number forms completed in English. What’s Next?……Proof.

On the day of your appointment you will need to provide the Spanish police with proof of why you Need a NIE Number… The level and type of proof required to obtain your NIE Number is different if you are a EU or Non EU Citizen.

If you are a EU Citizen you will require the following Proof to get a NIE Number in Spain:

  • Passport and copy of the two main pages
  • Proof of address in Spain – your rental contract (in your name) would be sufficient
  • Completed EX-18 form
  • Completed Modelo 790
  • Proof of health insurance – this can be private health insurance or an EHIC card
    Document* proving why you need a Spanish NIE number, which differs depending on your intentions. In most cases it is:
    a contract showing that you’re going to buy a property in Spain like real estate, car, etc.
  • employed: job contract from the Spanish company
  • self-employed: a company ownership certificate
  • persons with sufficient funds: proof that you can live in Spain without working
  • students: acceptance letter from the school plus proof of payment to the school
  • job seekers: you can go only with passport
  • Enough to pay the NIE fee (€9.75 at the time of writing)
  • *Any documents must be translated into Spanish or Catalán (unless they are official EU documents) and you must bring the original

If you are a non-EU citizen you will require the following Proof:

  • Passport, Visa and copies
  • Completed EX-15 form
  • Empadronamiento – you will need to go to the town hall and register yourself as living in the area
  • Non-EU citizens will need the additional proof of legal entry into Spain (for instance a landing card, known in Spanish as a declaración de entrada)
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Two passport size photos (check as this can vary from country to country – the Spanish size is called carnet)
  • Document* proving why you need a Spanish NIE number which differs depending on your intentions. In most cases it is:
    a contract showing that you’re going to buy a property in Spain like real estate, car, etc.
    employed: job contract from the Spanish company
    self-employed: a company ownership certificate
    persons with sufficient funds: proof that you have enough funds to live in Spain without working
    students: A letter from the school plus proof of payment to the school
    job seekers: you can go only with passport, but you will be issued a temporary NIE number valid only for 3 months

*Any documents must be translated into Spanish or Catalán and you must bring the original

Here at MY NIE Number Spain we can book your NIE Number appointment super fast, and complete your NIE Number application forms, but it is up to you to collect present the correct proof of why you need a NIE Number.

Read More:

Its a legal requirement to have a NIE Number

How to get a NIE Number FAST

Need more advice? Contact Us



Get a NIE Number in Lloret de Mar

Getting your NIE Number in Lloret de Mar is easy with our service

Do you need a NIE Number in Lloret de Mar? Applying for your NIE Number your self is no easy task, the NIE Number forms are not in English which makes life more tricky. That’s why here at MY NIE Number Spain getting your NIE Number is made easy in Lloret de Mar.

If you need a NIE Number Fast you have landed on the right website. Use our easy English Language NIE Number booking form and get your NIE Number today.

More information about Lloret de Mar

Get a NIE Number in Benidorm

Weather in Lloret de Mar

15 Crazy Things to Do In Lloret de Mar


Getting a NIE Number in Fuengirola

Getting your NIE Number in Fuengirola is easy

Have you just moved to Fuengirola ? Perhaps your planning on opening a café/bar? Or, maybe you already have a job offer?

Here at MY NIE NUMBER SPAIN getting your NIE Number in Fuengirola is easy. For the small fee of just £20 we will fill out all your NIE Number Forms, and book your appointment at the Police station in Fuegrirola. All you need to do is print off the documents we send you and hand them in at the Police station on the day of your NIE Number appointment.

Click here to visit our NIE Number home page or use our easy English Language booking form to Book your NIE Number appointment in English today!

More Information about Fuegrirola in Spain and getting your NIE Number

Just 25km from Malaga Airport you will find the town of Fuengirola . Fuengirola is one of the top destinations for Holidays on the Costa del Sol. The town is easily accessible by road, rail or bus so it’s not difficult to see why this buzzing cosmopolitan town on the Mediterranean is the number one choice for so many.

Fuengirola was in its previous life just a tiny fishing village. Fuengirola these days have become a vibrant metropolis with character.  Many up-market tapa’s bars, good cafes and restaurants have opened, interspersed with chic boutiques and other interesting shops, as well as amazing beaches which makes it the perfect holiday destination. The good news, you wont need a NIE Number to Visit Fuengirola  .

The main square In Fuengirola  is called the Plaza de la Constitución.  It has been re-designed over the years but still retains its unique Character. The Square looks pretty, especially at Christmas time, when it is decorated with very attractive lights and ornaments.

It  also looks great during the Fuengirola summer feria, when the whole town takes part in the annual street celebrations. A walk down the narrow, pedestrian streets leading off the main square is a voyage of discovery for the many visitors, who come across some of the hidden secrets and delightful corners of this friendly, Andalucian town.

Fuengirola’s main attractions is, of course, its wonderful seven kilometres (five miles) of sandy beaches, stretching from the Sohail Castle to the west and Torreblanca to the east.  Fuengirola has all the amenities and comforts you need but in a beautiful Mediterranean setting. Whether you love shopping, or looking for a good gym or municipal sports centres.

Water sports are strongly featured in this coastal resort. Where better to get to grips with speed boats, jet skis, parasailing than at the cool Marina. Do I Need a NIE Number to take part in water sports in Fuengirola? No you wont need a NIE Number for this.

If perhaps you need a more personal hand finding things then you may want to try a Viator guided tour on our excursions page, which always prove to be enjoyable. Buses in Fuengirola run quite regularly to places along the coast such as Torremolinos and Marbella all the way to Estepona and Algeciras. Hire a car is best way to get around as public transport is limited. Consult our general

Book your NIE Number appointment in Fuengirola today!

Need more Information about NIE Numbers? Click here 

Cost of a NIE Number in Spain

What is the Cost of obtaining a NIE Number in Spain?

What does a NIE Number Cost?

The cost of obtaining your NIE Number varies on the different methods you have to Obtain your Number.  Here at MY NIE Number Spain we are proud to say we are officially the cheapest service on the Internet.

For Just £20 we can get your NIE Number paperwork and CITA booking completed on your behalf.  You can read about our full system on our homepage

What do other companies charge to get your NIE Number in Spain?

for 20 euros we can book your NIE Number in Spain

There are countless companies in Spain offering to provide NIE Number services and the cost can run into the hundreds of pounds. With our service there is a one off cost of £20.

Why is your company so cheap? Does it offer a sub standard service?

We keep our NIE Number service cheap to cover our costs and overheads. We are proud of the fact we do not rip people off.

Are there any other NIE Number costs after I have paid your company?

Once you have filled in our easy NIE Number booking form there are no other costs payable to us.  You will be booked in at the Police Station, and have all your NIE Number forms filled in.  You will need to pay the government tax on the day of your NIE Number appointment which is currently 9.75 Euros.

Is the Cost the same at the Spanish Embassy in the UK?

Yes, the cost in the same at the Spanish Embassy. Our service is the cheapest way to get your NIE Number booked online.

Do you want your NIE Number today?

cheap cost NIE Number

Use our easy English language NIE NUMBER booking form to apply for your Spanish NIE Number today.


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On the June 23, 2016 a referendum by British voters to exit the European Union was won with a ‘YES’ vote, much to the shock of many across the European Union. Read more about Brexit on Wikipedia

The word Brexit being an abbreviation of ‘British Exit’  The Brexit vote was followed by the resignation of the British Prime minister David Cameron and triggered thw start of a process called article 50 which is the start of the UK’S divorce from the Union. Read more about Brexit day here.

Shock over NIE Numbers and Brexit

But what does this mean for your NIE Number in Spain?

Spanish NIE Numbers are issued to people all over the world, not just UK Citizens.  For this reason we believe that British Citizens wishing to work or live in Spain after the Brexit ‘independence day’ will still need to apply for a NIE Number, however the procedure and amount of evidence required for your need for a NIE Number might be stricter.

Although no official announcement has been made about working in Spain with a NIE Number after Brexit we believe the system will be roughly the same and non EU Citizens applying for a NIE Number. The booking system will be slightly different as we will not be applying for a certificate EU. British citizens will likely apply for a NIE Number like people from the rest of the world.

Will it be easier to get Residency in Spain Post Brexit if I Have a NIE Number?

At the moment as we go to press with this blog post its almost impossible to tell, although we believe having a NIE Number pre Brexit will make applying for Spanish Residency post Brexit easier.

If I get my NIE Number before Brexit will I be able to continue to work in Spain after Brexit?

British ex-pats who already have a NIE Number before brexit

Yes. The EU and Spain will still welcome UK citizens to come and work in Spain after Brexit. Some Costal Spanish towns have a huge EX-PAT British population and the Spanish are keen to maintain a good relationship.

Until the final deal has been agreed with EU Negotiators the waters are murkey. The possibility of a ‘NO DEAL’ are seen as a real possibility. In this case a Bilateral agreement with the UK and Spain would be required. Read more about residency in Spain.

As I will no longer be a EU Citizen will I need to make changes to my registration on the NIE Number system after Brexit?

This British couple is worried about thier NIE Number after Brexit

Its unclear at the moment what current British EX-PATS living in Spain willneed to do post Brexit. As soon as more news is released we will update our blog and homepage to reflect this.

If I need to make any chances to my NIE Number registration after Brexit can your company help?

This couple is talking about thier NIE Number after brexit

Unfortunately we don’t currently have any information about the changes the Spanish government will implement after Brexit.  We hope that once the changes have been announced we will be able to advice our customers better.

I own a business in Spain. Will my Current NIE Number still work after Brexit?

If you already own a business in Spain its likely you will already have your NIE Number and Residency in Spain. It is not thought that changes will affect how you run your business in Spain after Brexit.

Will I have to update my NIE Number registration with my new non-EU post Brexit Passport?

Because your passport number is likely to stay the same post Brexit we do not think you will need to update your NIE Number registration post Brexit. We will update our blog in due course.

I am on the reduced rate of National insurance in Spain with my current NIE Number. Will this offer continue?

The reduced rate of national insurance for non residents starting a business in Spain was introduced by the Spanish Government, and is not a EU Law. As such we do not at this point believe there will be any change to your entitlement to the reduced rate post Brexit if you already hold a NIE Number.

I’m not planning on moving to Spain until after Brexit. Should I get my NIE Number before?

Without any current clarity from The Uk Government or the EU, its impossible to tell if you will obtain an advantage getting your NIE Number pre-Brexit. If you would like to apply for your NIE Number please visit our NIE NUMBER BOOKING FORM.

My NIE Number certificates states I’m a EU Citizen. Will I need a new certificate?

Although what system will be in place is unclear, we believe that you will keep the same certificate and NIE Number after Brexit.

What our NIE Number Expert Lisa says about Brexit:

Until there is some clear announcement from to EU and the British Government our hands are tied.  We recommend visiting our homepage where will we will be updating the latest NIE Number Brexit information.  Unfortunately the continued uncertainty is making it impossible for us to give British Ex-Pats a true picture of what changes may come.

Need your NIE Number today? Visit our home page to read more

Keep Checking back to our Blog for the Latest NIE Number Brexit information.


What will happen to my NIE Number if there is a ‘no deal’ Brexit?

We are currently monitoring the situation with regards to what will happen if there is a ‘No Deal’ Brexit and what that will mean for your NIE Number. Please check back to our NIE Number blog for further information.

Other Brexit News sources:

Read about Brexit on the Express Newspaper

Read about the Latest Brexit news on the Independent

Latest BBC News on Brexit

Is a NIE Number a Legal Requirement?

Is a NIE Number a legal requirement?

Is a NIE Number a Legal Requirement in Spain
A NIE Number is a legal requirement for anyone planning on staying or working in Spain for more than 3 months.

If your planning on Staying or working in Spain for a period of more than 3 Months it is a legal requirement for you TO GET A NIE NUMBER.

From 28 March 2007, a Royal Decree 240/07 requires that all EU citizens planning to reside in Spain for more than 3 months should register in person at the Oficina de Extranjeros in their province of residence or at designated Police stations. When you register, you will be issued with a credit card size Residence Certificate stating your name, address, nationality, NIE number (Número de Identificación Extranjero) and your date of registration as a resident.

After you have been registered as a resident for five years, you can apply for a certificate of permanent residence in Spain. You will be issued with a similar credit card size Residence Certificate, but it will additionally state that you are a permanent resident (residente permanente).

Note: Some people still have an A4 size Residence Certificate rather than the credit card sized one – in these cases there is no requirement to re-apply for a credit card size one unless your circumstances (for example your address) change, or unless you want to.

You can make an appointment to apply for residency, or to move onto permanent residency here.

More details can be found on the website for the Spanish Ministry of the Interior (information is in Spanish).

Put your feet up and let us get your NIE Number today.


Click here Visit our NIE Number homepage today to read more.

How to get a NIE Number in Almeria

How to get a NIE Number Almeria

How to get a NIE Number in Almeria

Have you just arrived in Almeria? Do you need a Spanish NIE Number? Here at My NIE Number Spain, getting your NIE NUMBER certificate in your hand as quick as possible is our main aim.

By just filling in one form on our NIE Number Booking page we can provide the whole NIE Number service from start to finish. We will fill in all the appropriate NIE Number forms, and book your CITA appointment at the Almeria Police Station. All you will be required to do is turn up at the police station at the time and date we provide you and hand in your paperwork.

Get your NIE Number Almeria Fast today! Click here to BOOK

More information about Almeria, and how to get your NIE Number in Spain

Getting a NIE Number in almeria is easy

Almeria found in the Andalusia region is the real Spain on the fringe of Europe, its driest and sunniest place and one of the last stretches of unspoilt Mediterranean coastline. Almeria Boasts Europe’s only desert, a history and present of diverse culture, the setting for over 500 films …… and the tapas come free! The good news….No NIE Number is required to visit as a tourist.

Welcome to Costa Almeria. Bienvenido!

You dont need a NIE Number as a tourist
Almeria, thanks to its strategic location on the Mediterranean coast, has been home to different civilisations throughout its history. Significant traces of their presence can be seen in the archaeological remains scattered all over the province. Although you will need a NIE Number to Live for longer than 3 months or work in Almeria you don’t need one to visit.

The city was founded by Calipha Abd-ar-Rahman III of Cordoba in 955 AD. It was to be a principal harbour in his extensive domain to strengthen his Mediterranean defences.


How do i get a NIE Number?

Get as NIE Number in Ibiza

NIE Number Malaga

How to get a NIE Number in Granada

How to get a NIE Number in Granada


Have you Just moved to Granada? Found a Job? Buying a property or Maybe have a holiday home here but need a Spanish NIE Number?

Here at MY NIE NUMBER SPAIN we can provide the whole NIE Number service for just £20. We will fill in all your NIE Number forms (ex-15 and form 790) and book your appointment at the Spanish Police station in Granada to collect your NIE Number certificate.

All you need to do is turn up at the required time of your appointment and hand in the paperwork we send you.  You should get your NIE Number certificate the same day as attending your appointment in Granada.

Click here to book your NIE Number appointment today!

More information about Granada

Does my Child need a NIE Number?

How to get a NIE Number in San Sebastian

Do Children need a NIE Number?

do Children need a NIE Number in Spain
Children of any age can apply for a NIE Number

A question we get asked a lot here at MY NIE Number Spain.  Do Children need a NIE Number?

A Child of Any age can obtain a NIE Number certificate, even a bay if it has a photo Passport.


Obtaining a NIE Number is the same for a Child as it is for an adult.  You will need to fill our both forms, the NIE Number forms EX-15 & 790 and make an appointment at the local Police station. Need your NIE Number today? Visit our NIE Number home page to read more.

happy child gets a nie number
Getting a NIE Number for your child is easy

Do the Children have to come to the Police station with me to get their NIE Number in Spain?

We have heard varying reports if the Child needs to attend the police station NIE Number appointment.  Some Police stations in Spain will allow just the parents with a Valid passport and a valid passport of the Child to attend and other Police Stations, others have requested the child attends so they can compare the photo on the passport to the child.

As getting an appointment takes such a long time in Spain we do recommend taking your child with you to the NIE Number appointment.

happy girl child Gets her NIE Number
This happy child has just got her NIE Number

My Child will get bored waiting at the police station for their NIE Number appointment

Sometimes the wait at the police station can be a few hours, even with an appointment. We recommend taking something with you to keep your little ones amused and quite while waiting.

Child starts screaming waiting for NIE NUMBER
Its always best to take something with you to keep your child occupied during your Childs NIE Number appointment

Do I need to pay the TAX for my Childs NIE Number appointment?

Yes, unfortunately the same rules with regards to tax apply to adults as to children. You will need to take form 790 to the bank and pay the current fee.

Child paying NIE Number tax with form 790

Does my Child need a NIE Number?

Its almost unheard of for a child to be asked for their NIE Number in Spain, however some outside sports companies ask for it for insurance reasons. If you child has been asked for their NIE Number please let us know so we can update this page.

Children playing football with a NIE Number
You child maybe asked for their NIE Number to play sorts in some places for insurance reasons.

What happens if I’ve lost my Childs NIE Certificate?

Child looking for lost NIE Number
If you have lost your child’s NIE Number certificate you will need to reapply

If you have lost your child’s NIE Number certificate its the same as if you have lost your NIE Number certificate. You will need to make a new CITA PRIVA appointment at the police station, fill out the forms again and pay the relevant tax on the form 790.

Does a NIE Number expire?

How to i get a NIE Number

NIE Number forms translated into English



DO Spanish NIE Numbers Expire?

does a spanish nie number expire
NIE Numbers issued before 2016 may have been a temporary number. Most certificates after this date no longer have an expiry date.

Do you already have your Spanish NIE Number? Some NIE Number certificates issued before 2016 had an expiry date, or were limited to a 3 month Period.  NIE Numbers issued today have no expiry date and they stay with you for life.

If you already have a Spanish NIE Number, and it has expired, visit our NIE NUMBER BOOKING FORM and fill out all the details and one of our representatives will book you a new appointment.  If you have lost your NIE Number certificate click here.

Will my NIE Number expire?

How do I re-apply for an expired NIE Number?

reapplying for expired nie number
If your NIE Number has expired you will need to reapply for a new one. You can use our easy booking form.

Reapplying for an expired NIE Number is easy with our service. Once we have all your details our staff will fill out your NIE Number forms and book you in at the police station.  Unfortunately you will need to pay the NIE Number tax again at the bank, there’s no way around this.

How do I know if my NIE Number has expired?

expire date on nie certificate
Check your NIE Number certificate if it was issued before 2016 to see if it has an expiry date.

If your NIE Number certificate was issued before 2016 it will have a stamp on it saying when it is due to expire. If there is no official stamp you can assume your number is your life long number and you do not need to re-apply for a new one.

I’ve lost my NIE Number certificate so I don’t know if its expired or not. How can I solve this?

If you have lost your NIE Number certificate you will need to reapply anyway.  If your certificate has not expired it will be a simple job at the police station to get a replacement. However, if your certificate has expired you will need to re-submit your forms 790 and EX-15 and pay the appropriate tax at the bank.

Renewing your NIE Number is easy with our service. Visit our NIE Number booking home page today to find out how we can help you get your NIE Number in less than 24hrs.

Do Children need a NIE Number?

To find out more about Children and NIE Numbers visit our Expert NIE Number Children’s page

Some more information about NIE Numbers from our Expert Lisa

Getting a NIE Number to open a bank account

Getting a NIE Number to buy or rent a car

Getting a NIE Number to conect to the internet

NIE Number facts


NIE Number Application Form in English

Moving to Spain? Opening a bar? Getting a job? Buying your dream home? Or Just need to open a bank account? Then the first thing you will need is a NIE Number.  The problem is all the forms are in Spanish and you need the NIE Number forms translated into English.

NIE Number Application forms Translated into English

To obtain your NIE Number in Spain there’s 3 main application forms you need to fill in. These are the CITA PRIVA NIE Number booking form, the EX-15 and the form 790 . 

Form 1: The CITA PRIVA website form

This form is used to book your NIE Number appointment. A good Standard of reading Spanish is required to complete this form correctly. If you do not feel confidant to fill in this form your self please use our form and we will do this for you.

Form 2: NIE Number form 790

This form is known as the, Tasa modelo 790 Código 012.
Reconocimientos, Autorizaciones y Concursos, in Spanish. This form is used to pay your government NIE Number fee. This form MUST be completed correctly. If you have a form translated into English this will not be accepted at either the bank or the Police Station.

Form 2: NIE Number form EX-15

This is your main application form for your NIE Number appointment.  This form can be quite complicated and ensuring it is completed in correct Spanish is important.  Forms EX-15 translated into English will not be accepted at the Police Station.

None of these forms are automatically translated into English. All forms must be submitted in Spanish.

NIE NUMBER Forms translated into English wont be accepted at your appointment.

All these forms are written in Spanish. Please note: English translated version of the forms will not be accepted at your NIE Number appointment at the Police station.  All your NIE Number application forms must be completed in Spanish.

Here at MY NIE Number Spain we can fill in all the forms for you in Spanish and book your appointment at the police station.  Once we have booked your appointment and filled in both your NIE Number application forms,  one of our representatives will get in touch and tell you what to do at the police station in Spain.  We will also include our handy e-book guide.

nie number form in english

Click here to book your NIE Number appointment in English

Ensuring your NIE Number application forms, EX-15 AND 790 are filled in correctly is vitally important.  If you make a mistake on your Spanish application form you maybe refused an NIE Number at the police station. We do not recommend filling in the forms your self unless you are 100% confidant you know how to fill them in properly.

english nie number application form


If you need your NIE Number Spain Fast we recommend filling out our Fast and secure booking form today and one of our representatives will get back to you within 24hrs with your booking time and your completed paperwork.

How to translate the NIE Number forms into English

Translating the Spanish NIE Number forms into English is possible using Google Translate, however we do not recommend submitting your NIE Number forms your self unless you are 100% confidant. If you fill in the translated forms wrongly you could be sent away from your NIE Number appointment and not receive your certificate. This will mean booking a new appointment.

get your nie number form in english

How do I fill in the Spanish NIE Number forms?

Here at MY NIE Number for a small fee of £20 we will fill out all your paperwork, book your appointment and send you all the details.  All you need to do is turn up at the police station at the time we provide you and hand in the paperwork we have completed for you.  Click here to book your NIE Number appointment today!

How to get a Spanish NIE Number in English

I filled in my name wrong on the Spanish NIE Number booking form website. What Can I do?

If you have filled in the Spanish NIE Number application form on the booking website incorrect this can be a nightmare. In Spain you can only have 1 CITA PRIVA appointment at a time. Most of the time its possible to use the cancelation button on the website to cancel your appointment but please be aware that sometimes this function is not operating. As such you may need to wait until after the appointment date you was allocated to re-book.  The Spanish police generally require the forms to be filled in correctly. They are unlikely to be sympathetic to any mistakes.

I tried to translate the NIE Number  forms into English and made a mistake, can you correct them for me?

Here at MY NIE Number Spain we can fill out all your NIE Number forms and email them back to you to print.  Just use our easy English Language booking form at and one of our team will fill in all the forms in Spanish and Email back to you to print.

Why are the NIE Number forms in Spanish and Not translated English?

When in Rome act like the Romans.  When in Spain you will need to get used to their forms being in Spanish. Very few forms including the Spanish NIE Number form are translated into English.  Be Careful of online NIE Number forms that claim to be correctly translated into English, we have seen many with mistakes which could mean you being sent away from your NIE Number appointment.

Can I download the NIE Number application form in English from the Spanish website?

At this time, the Spanish NIE Number booking website does not allow an English version to be downloaded from its website and all forms must be completed in Spanish.

All NIE Number forms must be completed in Spanish and NOT English

Why do the NIE Number forms need to be completed in Spanish and not English?

You will find most of the staff at the Police station will be Spanish. Sometimes there will be an English Translator on site to help you, however, your forms even if they are translated into English need to be completed in Spanish.

Need a NIE Number? Visit our home page to read more about our Fast, Budget, £20 NIE Number form filling service or Visit our English NIE Number booking page to get your NIE Number application today!






Get your NIE Number Fast

Do you need your Spanish NIE Number FAST? Have you secured a job, or looking to buy a house or buy a car but stuck in limbo until you have your NIE Number appointment in Spain?

Remember you wont be able to work in Spain until you have your NIE Number in place and you have collected your Certificate from the Spanish Police Station.  You also wont be able to complete on a property purchase in Spain without your NIE Number.

If you need a NIE Number in Spain FAST use our easy booking form

Here at MY NIE NUMBER SPAIN we are experts in getting your NIE Number as FAST as possible.  To get your NIE Number as FAST as possible we recommend using our FAST and secure NIE Number application form.

Once we have all the details we need we will get straight on the case.

fast chart to get your nie number in spain
Need your NIE Number FAST? visit our booking page today. the sooner you submit your details the faster we can make your appointment.

How will you get my NIE Number Fast when there’s a waiting list at the Police Station?

First of all we will book you a Spanish NIE Number CITA PRIVA appointment to hold your place in the que.  This will ensure that should the worse come to the worse you will have an appointment date.

Our staff will then check the Spanish NIE Number system website everyday for cancellations.  These can range from the next day to the next week.  Once we have identified a cancellation one of our team will give you a call to confirm you are available to make the appointment.

Traveling to get a nie number appointment FAST
If your willing to travel to another police station we can get your NIE Number appointment FAST

Can I get my NIE Number appointment faster by just turning up at the police station?

Unfortunately it is no longer possible to just turn up at the police station to get your NIE Number certificate. Since 2016 all appointments must be made on the CITA PRIVA website.  To get your NIE Number fast we will check the system everyday for cancelations and give you a call once one comes up.

Getting your NIE Number fast is easy with our website

Can you be 100% sure that a cancellation will become available to get my NIE Number fast?

Unfortunately there is no guarantee that a cancellation appointment will come up. However, you have the best possible chance to get one with our system as our staff are waiting on the website as soon as the appointments are released.

To get your NIE Number fast use our easy English language booking form or visit our Homepage for more information.

stop and get your nie number fast today
If you need a FAST NIE number you have come to the right website.

Can I get a Fast NIE Number in Spain if I travel to another town/city?

traveling fast to get your nie number
If your willing to travel you can get your NIE Number FAST from another town or city

Yes, if your willing to travel to a neighbouring town we will be able to book you in much sooner and you can get your NIE Number fast.  For example people in Benidorm needing a fast NIE Number could travel to either Denia or Alicante to get their NIE Number appointments.

Other NIE Number companies say they can get a Fast NIE Number in 24hrs is this correct?

fast lane nie number appointments
Get in the Fast lane for your NIE Number appointment with our express NIE Number fast service

This is 100% incorrect. Apart from waiting for a cancelation or traveling to another town/city there is no faster way to get your NIE Number.  Any company online saying they can get your NIE Number in a day, or within 24hrs are misleading you.

Do you offer a Fast Track NIE Number service?

Included in our basic £20 service is our express Fast NIE Number service. There is no extra Charge for this.  Just let our NIE number representative know when we call and mark down urgent on your booking form.

lisa getting a nie number appointment fast
Lisa, our NIE Number expert works fast to get your NIE Number appointment as soon as possible


Do you need your NIE Number fast today? Use our NIE Number booking form to provide your details today and one of our staff will get back to you shortly.

Some customer reviews from people who needed their NIE Numbers Fast

young couple get nie number fast

Claire and Brian from Cardiff in Wales needed their NIE Number fast when they decided to buy a house in Spain.  If they had to wait they would have lost out on their house purchase in Benidorm, Spain.  We asked them what they thought of our service. They Said:

We was really excited to be moving to Spain, but we needed our NIE Numbers FAST to be able to purchase our dream property.  We was a bit disappointed at first because we was told our appointment would be 7 weeks away. We spoke to Lisa the NIE Number expert at and told her we was in a rush.  In a couple of days Lisa came back to us with a new appointment the following week. It was really fast and meant we could complete on our house purchase in Spain. We was very happy indeed. Many Thanks to the MY NIE Number team.

couple need nie number really fast and panicking
This couple also needed their NIE NUMBERS FAST

Curtis Ottaway decided to leave his home town of Kingston-upon-Thames with his wife Jessica and move to the Alicante region of Spain. Again, they urgently needed their NIE numbers fast to complete on a purchase of a flat in Spain. They came to us and asked us to get them the Fastest appointment possible. They Said:

When we found out we needed a NIE Number to buy a property in Spain we had to act fast. We searched the internet and was recommended to to get our NIE Numbers really fast.  We was really pleased that they managed to cut the waiting time down from 6 weeks to 2 weeks. Lisa was very helpful and it was a very professional service.

middle aged couple get thier nie number fast
This couple needed their NIE Number fast so they could buy a car in Spain

The Thompson family needed a NIE Number in Spain so they could buy a new car. They were traveling around Spain and their car broke down and was un-repairable. They needed their NIE Number extra Fast and came to us for help. They said:

We was in a total dilemma. We was traveling around Spain and we had a problem with the car. We thought we could just go and buy a new one but we was told we needed a Spanish NIE Number. We needed it fast so we used your service. It took a week, but after 7 days we had our NIE Number and was able to buy a new car.

gay couple happy they have nie number fast

Marcus and Davro needed their NIE numbers fast when they moved to Spain to open a  consultancy business.  They had not heard about the NIE Number system before and when they found out the wait could be up to a couple of months they came to us. They Said:

We needed our NIE Numbers, Fast, really, really Fast! We had secured a contract for our consultancy business in Spain and we couldn’t become self employed until we had our NIE Numbers which meant we couldn’t sign contracts. My NIE Number Spain managed to get us an appointment really fast. Thank you guys!


How long does it take to get a NIE Number?




Working in Spain as a EU Citizen, do i need a NIE Number?

Do I need a Spanish NIE Number to work in Spain as an EU Citizen?

working in spain NIE Number required.

If your a EU citizen and you want to work in Spain you have a right to do so under EU LAW.

However, like your national security number in the UK you will need the Spanish Equivalent in Spain called a NIE Number.  The NIE Number is the equivalent of a Spanish Persons NIF number. A Spanish passport holder would not need to apply for a NIE Number as they are issued a NIF Number at birth.

The NIE Number is known as the Número de Identificación de Extranjero in Spanish. Basically it is used to identify you in the Spanish TAX and national insurance system. Its also used for many other reasons such as land registry, health care and by private companies to track your orders with them.

Is it difficult to get a NIE Number to work in Spain?

what a nie looks like
Tracing your Spanish NIE Number is easy with our booking form.

Getting your NIE Number in Spain is made easy with our website. All you need to do is fill in one very easy English language form on our NIE Number booking page and we wil do the rest. We will fill ut your NIE Number forms (EX-18 &EX-15) and book your appointment to collect your NIE Number from the police station.  Click here to book your NIE Number appointment today.

What types of work can I do in Spain as an EU Citizen?

working in the eu NIE Number

Once you have your Spanish NIE Number you can work in exactly the same jobs as if you was still in the UK. (different training maybe required for some jobs) Jobs you can work as in spain for example are: Doctor, Nurse, Vet, Bar person, Waiter, Hotel Manager, Chef, Café owner, Shoe shop, Gift shop, Newspaper shop, Taxi driver, hire shop, Publican, painter, Decorator, Cleaner.

As a EU Citizen (Pre Brexit) you have the right to work in any of these industry’s.

What else do I need to do as a EU Citizen to work in Spain once I have my NIE Number?

using nie number to pay tax in spain

Once you have your Spanish NIE Number you will need to start paying taxes and National insurance in Spain. If you are working for an employer they will sort all this out for you. If you decide to work for your self in Spain as Self employed you will need to file tax returns.  Its always best to deal with a local English speaking solicitor to take care of this for you.

How much is national insurance in Spain? Is it covered by my NIE Number?

Spain has one of the highest levels of National Insurance in the EU.  As an EU citizen once you have your NIE Number  you will only pay your national insurance in one country.  For people thinking of becoming self employed the Spanish authority’s have an incentive scheme to get people to open new businesses. For the first year you are only changed 50 euros a month, and the second year 80 euros a month.  Speak to your solicitor today to see if your eligible.

Does my NIE Number cover me for medical and hospital treatment in Spain?

nie free medical treatment spain
Your NIE Number does not automatically qualify you for free medical treatment in Spain

No, but once your employed you are covered for medical treatment in Spain. Before you are employed you will need to use your EU medical Card. Having a NIE Number in Spain does not automatically mean you are entitled to free health care.

Is it easier to get EU residency in Spain if I have a NIE Number?

what a spanish residency looks like if you have a nie number in spain

Yes, the first step to getting your Residency in Spain is getting your NIE Number from the Spanish Police. Once you have your NIE Certificate you will be able to apply for residency.  You will also need to be registered on the register at the town hall called the Padron.  To get your residency you will also need to show proof of funds that you can support your self, or, that you have a job in place or are self employed in Spain as a EU citizen.

If I apply for residency in Spain is my NIE Number converted into a Spanish style NIF number?

what s apnsih nif number looks like
Your NIE Number will be with you for life. Only Spanish people are issued with NIF Numbers

No, your NIE Number is with you for life. NIF numbers are only issued to people born in Spain, or with Spanish Nationality. All EU Citizens have to have a NIE Number to work in Spain.

Why as a EU Citizen do I have to apply for a number? I thought I could work anywhere in the EU?

eu logo
Being part of the EU means you can work anywhere in Spain

As an EU Citizen you have the right to work in any EU country, however you are subject to the tax and local laws in that area.  Under Spanish law all foreigners which includes EU citizens need a NIE Number.

List of EU/EEA Members

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK


For more information about Getting your Spanish NIE Number or residency in Spain visit our homepage.



Read more about getting your NIE Number in Spain


How to get your NIE Number on the Costa Blanca Spain

getting a nie number on the costa blanca

How to get your NIE Number on the Costa Blanca Spain

Have you decided to start a new life in Spain on the sun kissed coast of the Costa Blanca. Have you decided on a resort/area yet or coming to visit to find your ideal new home in the sun?

Weather you are moving to Spain to open a business, buy a property or just plan on visiting in the summer months one of the first things you will need is a Spanish NIE Number.  Having a Spanish NIE Number will make your life a lot less stressful while your on the Costa Blanca.  You will need it to connect to the internet, buy property, register a car in Spain and many other tasks.

You also wont be able to work in Spain until you have your NIE Number certificate to show to potential employers, or your Gestor if you are planning on being self employed in Spain.

Getting your NIE Number on the Costa Blanca using our service is easy as filling in one form and pressing the submit button.  Visit our book now page and we will get you booked in within 24hrs.

Why Live on the Costa Blanca?

The Costa Blanca is the area that stretches over 200km along the coast line from Alicante.

It’s a very popular holiday destination for British tourists from the UK, because of the year round weather and beaches, and low cost flights are available all year round.

The Costa Blanca is both UK friendly and family friendly, thanks to the huge range of activities available there from beaches and golf to museums and parks.

You can do just about anything you can think of in Costa Blanca, which is why it’s so great for kids. Obviosuly there are the beaches, such as Los Náufragos in Torrevieja with its volleyball nets, golden sands and Blue Flag status, or smaller beaches like Serragrosa with its crystal waters, ideal for swimmers.

But there are also golf courses (particularly the Villaitana club de golf near Benidorm) and watersports facilities and cultural sites like museums and galleries, such as the La Asegurada Municipal Museum in Alicante which has extensive collections of Spanish art.

You will need a couple of weeks on the Costa Blanca just to scratch the surface of its entertainment potential.

The Costa Blanca is a great place to start your New life on the sun shine coast of Spain. Do you need your NIE Number On the Costa Blanca? Visit our home page today to read more about our award winning service.

How to get a NIE Number in Valencia

How to get a NIE Number in Benidorm

How to get your NIE Number in Denia


What standard to my passport photo’s need to be for my NIE Number Application

Taking your passport photos to your NIE Number Appointment

pssport sized photos for nie number

When you go to your NIE Number appointment you will need to take two (2) passport sized photos.

These photos must meet the same criteria as the UK Passport sized photos. Below is our Guide to making sure your NIE Number photos are correct.


To get your NIE Number certificate and registration you need to have two passport sized photos which must be identical photos.

The photos for your NIE Number application must be:

*Your passport photos for your NIE Number application must measure 45mm (millimetres)  by 35mm wide which is the standard  size used in photo booths in the UK.

*Make sure your photos are printed the correct size. The photos can not be a cut down version of a larger picture

* If you decide to use a photo machine in Spain or the country you live in ensure it can give you photos that measure 45mm high by 35mm wide.

*Ensure your NIE Number application photos are  printed to a professional standard

*Make sure your passport photos for your application are  clear and in focus

*Your NIE Number passport Photos need to be in colour on plain white photographic paper with no border and without any creases or tears.

*Your passport photos for your NIE Number appointment must be unmarked on both sides (unless a photo needs to be countersigned)

*Your NIE Number Spain photos must be unaltered by computer software and be a close-up of your full head and upper shoulders. They must not contain any other objects or people.

*Make sure your photo is taken against a plain white, cream or light grey background and are in clear contrast to the background

*Its advisable so your NIE Number Spain photos are not rejected to have a plain expression and your mouth closed and have your eyes open and visible.

*Hair should not be in front of your eyes and you should not have a head covering, anything covering your face (unless it’s for religious or medical reasons)

*Photos with shade marks or ‘red eye’ will be rejected.

We recommend following the above information to avoid any problems at your NIE Number Spain appointment.

Book your NIE Number Spain NOW


NIE Number reviews from our customers

Here at my NIE NUMBER SPAIN, we like to hear feed back from our customers, be it good or bad. Would you like to send us a review and feed back? Use the contact us form below.

a happy married couple after getting NIE Number

Stuart and Fiona from Warwickshire moved to Benidorm to open a café bar in December 2016.  They decided on a bar in the old town and have been selling Fried breakfasts, cold drinks and ice creams since. We asked them what they thought of out NIE Number service:

We was really pleased with the NIE Number service. It was quick which was important to us as we had already seen our dream café/bar and wanted to get the keys as soon as possible. The people at MY NIE Number sorted us out really quick. Within 24hrs we was booked into the CITA Spain system and had our dates to go to the police station to collect our NIE Numbers. Thank you to the staff at my NIE number Spain.

Mixed race rcouple get nie number in spain

Usma and Jack moved to Madrid, Spain in 2017. They both work from home and are planning on starting a Family in Spain soon. They came to us for help. They Said:

We looked around at other NIE Number websites on the internet and found conflicting information. It was really confusing.  We was recommended to the MY NIE Number website and found they way everything was explained really clear. The booking form was easy to use and we always use PayPal so that made it even quicker. Lisa phoned up within a few hours with our booking time and we was really pleased.

Another gay couple get thier NIE Numbers

Steven and Joseph decided to make Madrid Spain their new home after moving from Mexico City. They had enough funds to cover them while they looked for work but needed a NIE Number before any potential employers would make job offers. They Said:

The MY NIE Number website was a god send. We had seen another service but they was charging upwards of £200 each and didn’t recognise us as a couple so we wouldn’t be offered the Couple rate.  We found the website so easy to read and use, the NIE Number booking form was easy to use. We now have our NIE Numbers and have both have full time jobs. Were really enjoying out new life in Spain.

Jade and Robert decided to start a new life in Benidorm Spain. They rented a flat in the old town area of Spain. Although they originally thought of opening a fish Spa Business in the new town area they decided against it and got them selves jobs in a call centre in Alfaz De Pi, just outside Albir. We asked them how they found our service and Getting their NIE Numbers in Benidorm. They Said:

We really love Benidorm we wouldn’t live anywhere else. Originally we was planning on being self employed and starting a foot spa business but in the end we decided against it. We both managed to secure jobs in Alfaz just outside Benidorm but needed our NIE Numbers urgently.  Your staff were really helpful and it was such a quick and easy process. You took away all the stress and we are very greatful. The cheap price is good as well. Many Thanks, Jade & Robert

retired couple get thier nie number in spain

Retired couple Gillian and Keith Tellforth decided to sell their home in the UK and retire to the sunshine coast of the Costa Del Sol in Spain.  Although they decided to rent a property in Spain so didn’t need a NIE Number for that they wanted to open a residents Bank account here. They submitted their information via our secure NIE NUMBER BOOKING WEBSITE. We asked them how they found our service, is there any improvements we can make, and how they are finding their new life in Spain. They Said: 

We was in no rush for our NIE Number appointment so although we had to wait 6 weeks for our appointment at the police station it was fine by us. We got a little confused with the forms. The EX-15 & 790 forms we wasn’t sure which one to take to the bank. Luckily Lisa was on the end of the phone and we managed to get it sorted out pretty quick. Many Thanks to your team for the excellent customer service and for responding to our emails so promptly.

This divorced woman applied for her nie number in spain with us

Dawn Howard moved to Spain in 2018 following her divorce. She brought a small town house in the La Calla part of Benidorm and wanted to sell home fragrances but needed to be self employed so needed her NIE Number urgently. She came to us for advice and we had her sorted out in no time. She Said:

Following the break up of my marriage I decided to start afresh in Spain. I needed advice from the NIE Number experts so I came to you. I was really pleased with the level of service I received.  I had my NIE Number in no time.

NIE Number passport photos

Do i need a NIE Number to buy a house in spain

Do I Need a NIE Number to open a Bank account in Spain


How to get a NIE Number in Alicante

Howe to get a NIE Number in Malaga

How to get a NIE Number in Ibiza

Have you just moved to Ibiza? Going to be working in a club or bar? or are you looking to buy a property on this sunny Spanish Island?

The first thing you will need when you land in Ibiza is a Spanish NIE Number. You will need the number to work in bars and clubs and pay taxes in Spain.

Here at MY NIE, we specialise in getting your NIE number in Ibiza super quick time.  Visit our homepage to read more about our service or visit our official book now page to place your order today and get your Spanish NIE Number in 24hrs.


Getting your NIE Number in Ibiza

Here at MY NIE Number Spain we like to go traveling. This week we had a higher than average number of customers from the Island of Ibiza applying for their Spanish NIE Number, so we thought we would go and check out what’s going on there.

Ibiza, discovered by the Carthaginians in 654BC, is one in five of the Spanish Balearic Islands just off the Western coast of the mainland. As most people know its would famous for its non-stop sun, crystal blue sea’s, golden sand and a hedonistic nightlife scene unlike any other in the world.  And the good news, you Don’t need your NIE Number to enjoy most of what’s on offer in Ibiza.

Each year Ibiza is overrun by the young, beautiful international party set, all looking for the ultimate in hedonistic fun in the sun.

The music scene in Ibiza is innovative  has been  influential around the world. So much so that its trademark ‘chilled-out dance music’ is known as Balearic House. Several superstar DJS have first started out working in Ibiza who were previously unknown and have now been catapulted to celebrity status.

Things to do in Ibiza if you have your Spanish NIE Number

Visit its Famous Markets

Spanish NIE Market in Ibiza
You wont need your Spanish NIE Number to visit the Markets in Ibiza

Everyone has heard about Ibiza’s famous markets, the most notable being the hippy Market. Its one of the busiest in Ibiza and a must see if your on holiday. There are markets everyday all over Ibiza selling items from exotic fruit and vegetables to hippy clothes, jewellery, and antiques.

The Main Market is obviously the  Punta Arabí Hippy Market on Wednesday in Es Caná and the Las Dalias Hippy Market on Saturday in San Carlos.

You wont need your Spanish NIE Certificate  to visit the markets  so If your not to hungover a leisurely stroll around these famous markets makes a great morning out.

Visit Ibiza’s many museums

museums in ibiza spain that you dont need a Spanish NIE Number for
You wont need your Spanish NIE Number to visit museums in Ibiza, Spain

You may not link the name Ibiza with the thought of rich cultural history but this tiny island has some world class art and history museums.

We recommend you take a visit  Sa Caleta’s ancient and modern history Museum. Its jam packed full of interesting exhibitions, art and culture.

Visit an open air Cinema in Ibiza

Open air cinema ibiza no NIE Number required
You will never be asked for your Spanish NIE Number to get into an open air Cinema in Ibiza

In the main season of the summer in Ibiza there are pop up open air cinema’s everywhere. The good news is you wont need your Spanish NIE Number in Ibiza to go to them!

The best one we found was on the Amante Beach. It had big comfortable bean bag and soft blanket to sit on and a glass of wine and unlimited popcorn are included in the price. The tickets are not exactly cheap but its a whole night out with popcorn and wine included. Who can argue with that?

Visit the famous Ibiza Beaches

beach in Ibiza
You wont need a NIE Number to go and visit any of Ibiza’s sun drenched beaches

Ibiza is famous for it rows and rows of sandy golden beaches. My NIE Number Spain recommends the  Figueretas Beach and the Talamanca Beach as the easiest places to find and sunbath and not so packed your rubbing shoulders with the people sitting next to you.

Have you just moved to Ibiza and Need a NIE Number? Here at getting your Spanish NIE Number is made easy using our easy online Official NIE Number booking form.

More NIE Number Information

Get a NIE Number in Denia

Get a NIE Number in Malaga

Trace a lost NIE Number

What is NIE Number Tax?